Section 3.1. Territorial Structure and Citizenship
The United Territories of Liberty shall consist of no fewer than three Territories, each with its individual Territory government and united to the other Territories through a Common Government by the people, for the people. Each Territory government, as well as the Common Government, shall consist of a Legislative branch, an Executive branch, and a Judicial branch.
Localities within each Territory may form their own local governments whose powers are limited as stated in this Constitution.
All government business, including election materials and public signage posted by government, at all levels, shall be conducted only in English.
All persons residing on property when it is acquired by the United Territories shall be granted citizenship to the United Territories.
All persons born within the United Territories, to mothers who are citizens of the United Territories at the time of the birth, are citizens of the United Territories.
Persons born outside the UTL, or born to non-citizen mothers, are not UTL citizens at birth. However, children born outside the UTL to mothers who are UTL citizens shall be granted UTL citizenship if they arrive in the UTL before reaching 10 years of age to reside with a parent who is a UTL citizen.
The UTL recognizes and guarantees rights only to citizens and authorized visitors, and shall not grant asylum nor refugee status to anyone.
Upon gaining citizenship, biometric data shall be obtained by non-invasively scanning at least two of the citizen’s fingers and both irises, if those features are present on the person. If fewer features are present, then at least one finger and/or one iris shall be scanned. Infants shall have their features scanned before the age of one year.
In every case, the resulting scan data shall be stored in a secure government database. This biometric data and a photograph of his unobstructed face shall be compared against the citizen’s biometric feature(s) when he is physically present to verify identity and citizenship, to allow voting, to join the military, or to obtain any government job or government contract.
Refusal to submit to a biometric feature scan for voting, military enlistment, government employment, or government contracting will result in denial of those privileges, but will not result in charges against the citizen.
Two copies of a citizen’s photographic identification reference hardcopy (known simply as a reference hardcopy) shall be issued to all citizens by the UTL Common government. Governments shall not require anyone to carry or present his reference hardcopy.
For the first 18 years of life, the facial photograph and biometric scans shall be re-taken and updated every 20 to 24 months. After age 18, the photograph and data shall be re-taken and updated every 4 to 5 years.
The visa of a non-citizen in the UTL shall consist of a biometric record stored in a secure government database. This biometric data shall be compared against his biometric feature(s) when he is physically present to verify his identity and visa status. Two copies of his photographic visa reference hardcopy shall be issued to him before he enters the UTL. Governments shall not require anyone to carry or present his reference hardcopy.
The non-citizen visitor must enter the UTL only through an official checkpoint where his visa is verified and his arrival is recorded. The visa grants authorization to be in the UTL for no more than 6 months. In order to remain in the United Territories for a longer period, UTL citizenship is required. A non-citizen can apply for naturalized citizenship only while in the UTL on a valid visa. If he is not granted citizenship during a visa period, he must leave the UTL only through an official checkpoint on or prior to his visa expiration date, and remain outside the UTL for at least 6 months before returning to the UTL on another visa, or until his citizenship is granted.
The Common Government shall determine the quantity and qualifications of non-citizens to be accepted into the naturalization process. The citizenship test shall require both oral and written responses, including an oath of allegiance to the UTL and proficiency in English, with all portions of the test witnessed by two or more UTL officials.
If, subsequent to a legal citation, a physically present adult’s biometric feature(s) do not match any record in the secure government database, or if he refuses to allow biometric scanning or an unobstructed view of his face, he can be charged with trespassing and be subject to the deportation process. If convicted, he will be deported to a location outside the UTL designated by the Common Government. If the person is a minor, his parent or legal guardian can be cited for failure to obtain the identification document for the child. No person, organization, or government shall provide sanctuary to anyone suspected of trespassing.
All persons not incarcerated, nor detained for pending legal action, are free to leave the UTL at any time. If a citizen renounces his citizenship publicly and/or in writing, he shall be given 10 days to remove himself and his personal property from the Territory, and relocate outside of the United Territories. If he is found in any Territory after 10 days, he shall be charged with trespassing. All persons relocated beyond or deported from the UTL must remain outside the Territories for at least 2 years before applying for a UTL visa. After a period of one year, he will be eligible to re-apply for citizenship while remaining outside the Territories. No person can re-apply for citizenship more than once.
Section 3.2. Territorial Limits and Sovereignty
No Territory shall make or enforce any law which abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United Territories; nor shall any Territory deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.
No Territory shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin, print, or otherwise manufacture currency or money; emit bills of credit; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.
No Preference shall be given to the ports of one Territory over those of another; nor shall vehicles bound to, or from, one Territory, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another.
No Territory shall impose any imposts or duties on imports or exports.
No Territory shall impose any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or vehicles of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another Territory, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not permit delay.
Full faith and credit shall be given in each Territory to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other Territory.
Territory or local governments shall adjudicate disputes over private contracts in civil court.
New Territories may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new Territory shall be formed within the jurisdiction of any other Territory; nor any Territory be formed by the junction of two or more Territories, or parts of Territories, without the consent of the Legislatures of the Territories concerned as well as of the Congress.
This Constitution, and the laws of the United Territories which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United Territories, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every Territory shall be bound thereby, anything in the laws of any Territory to the contrary notwithstanding.
The powers not delegated to the Common Government by this Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the Territories, are reserved to the Territories respectively, or to the people.
The United Territories shall guarantee to every Territory in this union a representative republic form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence.
Judges in each Territory shall be appointed by the respective executive, and confirmed by the respective Legislature. The Legislature shall have the sole power of impeachment.
Section 3.3. Enforcement of National Boundaries
Trespassing into or underneath any area of the UTL or its airspace from beyond the United Territories without prior authorization shall be considered a violation against UTL sovereign land and its citizens. The Common Government shall employ the National Guard to defend UTL borders and coastlines against all illegal entry, and prosecute all violators.
UTL armed forces shall not attack, invade, or occupy a foreign region unless that region has been verified to harbor people and/or equipment involved in recent or imminent attacks against UTL citizens or UTL Territory.
War shall not be conducted nor funded unless and until Congress declares war.